good anime · otaku

Day eighteen: My opinions on 3D anime

Okee…. I know most of us are used to the cute, 2D anime. But, a while ago (a long while ago) they started to make 3D anime. You either hate ’em or love ’em, you can’t ignore the fact that they’ve sprung up in your recommendation box or the news. I’m going to talk about…… Continue reading Day eighteen: My opinions on 3D anime

anime · otaku

Day seventeen: What really makes a good cosplay/otaku…

Recently, I’ve been strolling around the web and I suddenly started to realize that some people don’t think that they can cosplay or that they’re an otaku. I wanted to address this situation (and also the fact that I’ve been sick recently). It doesn’t matter how much anime merch you own or how much knowledge…… Continue reading Day seventeen: What really makes a good cosplay/otaku…

anime · music

Day sixteen: Vocaloid songs that I can’t help but replay over and over again!

You know those times when you have a song stuck in your head and you keep humming it? Well today, I have ten Vocaloid songs that I can’t stop playing over and over again (so a recommendation list of Vocaloid songs.) ^^ My True Self sung by Kaito Shion: I Wish They’d Just Die…… Continue reading Day sixteen: Vocaloid songs that I can’t help but replay over and over again!

anime · otaku

Day thirteen: Weeaboo and otakus

Most people know what the difference between otakus and weeaboos are, but I’m going to explain them both anyways! “What’s the difference between otakus and weeaboos?” I’m gonna answer that question today *peace*! Weeaboo: Ugh… The dreaded weeaboos. Nobody wants to be one, let alone be called a weeaboo. A weeaboo is someone who worships…… Continue reading Day thirteen: Weeaboo and otakus

anime · Trickster

Day twelve: Trickster episode 1-12 review

M’kay, let’s get this episode review over with. To be honest, I was told this anime was pretty good. Trickster is about a boy named Hanasaki and he works for a group called the Boy’s Detective Club. He then meets a boy name Kobayashi, who can’t die. Hanasaki asks  forces Kobayashi to join. Their encounter soon…… Continue reading Day twelve: Trickster episode 1-12 review

anime · good anime · shounen-ai · Yuri on Ice

Day eleven: My opinions on Yuri on Ice

Okee, so this isn’t going to be an anime review, ’cause I’m sure lots of people have had enough of Yuri on Ice reviews. I’m going to say my opinions on Yuri on Ice. I thought Yuri on Ice was a pretty good anime. The animation was beautiful, the music was just amazing. In terms…… Continue reading Day eleven: My opinions on Yuri on Ice

anime · ecchi, hentai, shota, and loilicon

Day ten: Lolicon, shotacon, and hentai

Okee, so I feel like the line between hentai, shotacon, ecchi and lolicon isn’t clear to those new to anime. “What’s the difference? They all have sexual content in it.” is the question I’m going to answer today! ^^ The horror! *my eyes!* Hentai: Okee, so I’m sure every otaku knows or has at least…… Continue reading Day ten: Lolicon, shotacon, and hentai